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Prof. B.N.Tripathi
Vice Chancellor


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ramban was sanctioned by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi to Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu in the year, 2021 vide F.No. A.Extn.4/3/2021 Dated 16.11.2021. Subsequently KVK Ramban started functioning in the District on 01/02/2022. KVK Ramban is located at Village Dhalwas, Tehsil Ramban about 18Km far from District Headquarters Ramban on NH-44 Highway Road. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, is the district level Farm Science Centres, established by Indian Council of agricultural Research for speedy transfer of technology to farmers’ fields. The KVK aim is to increase the productivity on sustainable basis and creating opportunity for greater economic activities in agriculture and allied sector. KVKs identify the technological needs of the farming community and endeavour to meet these needs through multifarious activities like organization of training programmes , demonstrations , technology assessment and refinement, agricultural exhibitions , field days, campaigns and publication of easy to understand literature in local languages .

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Prof. Amrish Vaid
Director Extension


  • 1. Conducting On-Farm Testing (OFTs) to identify location specific agriculture production, protection and management technologies for developing sustainable land use systems

  • 2. Laying out Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) on Farmers Fields on various crops to establish the production potential and facilitate the adoption of improved crop production, protection and management technologies.

  • 3. Conducting need based training programmes for farmers, farm-women and rural youth to update their knowledge and skills regarding potential and proven agricultural technologies and practices.

  • 4. Conducting trainings for extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills and reorient them in the frontier area of advanced and recent technologies and emerging advances in agricultural and allied field research and developments.

  • 5. Work as knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technologies for supporting the initiatives of public private and voluntary sector for improving the agriculture economy of the district.

  • 6. Conducting various extension activities to accelerate the process of technology dissemination in the district.

  • 7. Collaborative participation of KVK scientists, extension workers and farmers to reduce the time lag between the generation of technologies and their transfer to the farmers through the application of science and technology.

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