1. Conducting On-Farm Testing (OFTs) to identify location specific
agriculture production, protection and management technologies for
developing sustainable land use systems
2. Laying out Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) on Farmers Fields on
various crops to establish the production potential and facilitate
the adoption of improved crop production, protection and management
3. Conducting need based training programmes for farmers, farm-women
and rural youth to update their knowledge and skills regarding
potential and proven agricultural technologies and practices.
4. Conducting trainings for extension personnel to update their
knowledge and skills and reorient them in the frontier area of
advanced and recent technologies and emerging advances in
agricultural and allied field research and developments.
5. Work as knowledge and resource centre of agricultural
technologies for supporting the initiatives of public private and
voluntary sector for improving the agriculture economy of the
6. Conducting various extension activities to accelerate the process
of technology dissemination in the district.
7. Collaborative participation of KVK scientists, extension workers
and farmers to reduce the time lag between the generation of
technologies and their transfer to the farmers through the
application of science and technology.